What is Dream Feeding?
The Ingy Bingy Band is a pacifier wristband that can help your baby sleep soundly after dropping a dream feed.
What is dream feeding?
A dream feed occurs when you get your baby out of their crib or bassinet and wake them up for a full feeding. This is your baby’s last feeding for the day which should hopefully help them begin their longest stretch of sleep.
When do you offer a dream feeding?
The best time to offer a dream feeding is 2-3 hours after they go to bed. You need to make sure you wait long enough so they are hungry enough for a full feeding.
Does dream feeding help them sleep longer?
No. Dream feeding doesn’t help a baby sleep longer at night, but it can help you sleep longer at night! For example. if your baby is sleeping one long stretch of 5 hours, you can wake your baby 2-3 hours after they go to bed. This would hopefully shift their longer stretch of sleep from 8pm-1am to 10:30pm-3:30am.
How do I wake my baby for a dream feed?
All you have to do is pick your baby up from their crib or bassinet and offer a feeding. If they will eat while still swaddled then keep them that way! You want them to wake up enough to eat, but stay sleepy enough to go back to bed quickly.
If you’re baby is having trouble waking up to eat try these tips:
- Unswaddle them
- Turn on a dim light
- Change your baby’s diaper
If after 5-7 nights these tactics aren’t working then stop attempting the dream feeds.
Are dream feeds right for every baby?
No! If your baby continues to wake at the same time whether you offer a dream feed or not then stop offering a dream feed since it disrupts your baby’s longest sleep stretch. Dream feeding may also not be right for you if your baby cannot wake up enough for a full feeding or cannot go back to sleep easily after feeding.
Give dream feeding 5-7 days before you decide if it is right for your baby!
How do I drop the dream feed?
As long as your baby is going back to bed easily and sleeping their longest stretch after you feed them then there is no reason to rush to drop the dream feed. However, if they are struggling to fall back asleep then it may be time to stop. Most babies usually stop their dream feeds by 9 months.
If you’re looking to drop your little one’s dream feed, then the Ingy Bingy Band is the product for you. If your baby is still waking in the night, but you don’t want to offer a feeding anymore or they don’t want to eat an infant pacifier will help curb your baby’s desire for sucking.
The problem with newborn pacifiers is that it keeps falling out. Pacifier clips are typically the solution to this problem. However, the Ingy Bingy Band is a safer option. The Ingy Bingy Band is a pacifier wristband that can help your baby sleep soundly after dropping a dream feed. It velcros around your baby’s wrist allowing them to self-soothe from as early as 4 months old. This pacifier bracelet will keep your baby’s newborn pacifier right where they need it whenever they need it.