How to Keep the Pacifier From Falling out of Baby's Mouth
Start saving your sanity and boosting your baby’s autonomy by purchasing an Ingy Bingy pacifier wristband today!
Whenever I talk to first time parents, I always recommend an infant pacifier for their registry. A newborn pacifier can turn a screaming baby into a calm or sleeping baby so quickly! However, one of the biggest complaints from parents is when the infant pacifier keeps falling out. I felt like every time I finally got my child settled in with their pacifier and I started doing laundry or the dishes, the high-pitched screaming would start again.
How do you prevent pacifiers from falling out?
1. Make sure you have the right kind of pacifier for your baby! If the pacifier keeps falling out, your baby just might not like that kind of pacifier. There are so many different pacifiers out there, but here are a few things to consider:
Shape: The shape of the shield on pacifiers has different purposes. The round or oversized shield will gently press up against baby’s nose. Most breastfed babies will prefer this style as it mimics the soothing feeling of breastfeeding. The butterfly shape is also popular and is preferred by babies who need a little bit more room for their nose to breathe!
Substance: Most pacifiers are made of rubber or silicon. It’s important to keep in mind that some babies do have latex allergies! If you haven’t introduced a bottle to your baby yet, I would recommend finding a silicon infant pacifier since it’s hypoallergenic!
Nipple: The two main nipple shapes are rounded or orthodontic. Rounded nipples tend to be easier for babies to take, but orthodontic nipples support the shape of the developing jaw and palate of the baby. Ultimately, the pacifier is going to be what your baby likes best! You might want to buy 2-3 different kinds of pacifiers to see which one your baby takes to.
*Always make sure you use a pacifier with one piece! If there are multiple pieces it could become a choking hazard!
2. Practice the sucking reflex with your baby. When your baby is sleeping and you can see the pacifier slipping you can gently pull on it. This should kick in their sucking reflex and they will pull it back in tighter. Keep in mind it might take baby a little while to develop this skill so keep practicing!
3. Start using the Ingy Bingy Band! This wristband is guaranteed to help you with keeping that pacifier in baby’s mouth! The Ingy Bingy Band is a pacifier wristband that velcros around baby’s wrist. The infant pacifier is always within baby’s reach and by about 4 months old they can use it on their own! They cannot use other pacifier accessories on their own, like the pacifier clip, until about 8 months because it takes more development to locate the pacifier and bring it up to their mouth than it does to just twist their wrist.
Using this pacifier bracelet a baby can suck on their pacifier, squeal and kick in their baby bouncer, and go back to sucking on their pacifier while you keep doing the dishes. They can cough and quickly go back to sucking on the newborn pacifier all on their own. The possibilities are endless! Start saving your sanity and boosting your baby’s autonomy by purchasing an Ingy Bingy pacifier wristband today!