Best Healthy Snacks for Babies
If you’re on the go and out of snacks or trying to hold off baby from eating before meal time, the Ingy Bingy Band can come to your rescue! This pacifier wristband keeps their infant pacifier right where they need it whenever they need it!
We live in a world that is starting to get focused on living a healthier lifestyle. Even if we sometimes neglect our own health and wellness, most parents are focused on their baby’s health, especially what they are eating!
Let’s rewind a little bit. When should babies start solids?
The short answer is around 4-6 months. You truly don’t need to rush though! If your baby is breastfeeding they are getting everything they need from you to grow big and strong! My oldest son had an oral aversion and didn’t eat anything other than breastmilk until he was 13 months! I wouldn’t recommend waiting that long to introduce solids, but just know that your baby will be just fine if you wait longer than 6 months.
Do not start solids earlier than 4 months! Your baby’s body isn’t ready to process anything other than breastmilk/formula at that time!
How do I know if my baby is ready for solids?
- Can sit up
- Has head and neck control
- Opens mouth/reaches when food is offered
- Puts objects in mouth
Where to start with solids?
- Fruit and veggie purees are the best place to start with your tiny babies. Try one food for 2-3 days before adding in another food to check for allergies.
- There are a variety of baby food brands in the baby aisle at your local grocery store. Any baby food jars will be acceptable. They usually are marked with an age range on them if you are unsure. If your baby is a little older they may be able to suck on the fruit and veggie puree pouches as well. These are great for easy clean up!
What about snacks?
- Never underestimate the power of fruits and veggies. If you baby is old enough you can steam the veggies without pureeing them or try cutting up fruits without pureeing them as well!
- Yogurt-put it in a reusable pouch to decrease the mess!
- Cottage Cheese- A high protein snack that is great paired with fruit such as blueberries!
- Unsweetened Applesauce
If your baby can chew food try…
- Whole grain crackers and cheese
- Whole grain cereal
- String cheese
- Hard boiled eggs
What if you’re on the go?
All of the above snacks can be put into containers that can be eaten on the go! However, some might be easier than others! For example,
- Whole grain cheerios
- Applesauce or Yogurt Pouches
- Whole grain crackers
If you’re on the go and out of snacks or trying to hold off baby from eating before meal time, the Ingy Bingy Band can come to your rescue! The Ingy Bingy Band is a pacifier wristband that velcros around baby’s wrist. It keeps their infant pacifier right where they need it whenever they need it! There’s nothing more annoying than picking up a newborn pacifier off the ground every 10 seconds because the infant pacifier keeps falling out!
Help baby stay happy by using their pacifier bracelet to self-soothe earlier than ever before! The Ingy Bingy Band easily attaches to any infant pacifier on the market making it a safer and more cost-effective alternative to a pacifier clip!