How do Pacifiers Work?
Using an infant pacifier is unbelievably simple! The only frustrating part about using a pacifier is when the infant pacifier keeps falling out. The Ingy Bingy Band, a pacifier wristband, is here to fix that problem!
Pacifiers - you hear all about them. You see them with most babies at the grocery store, the park, and restaurants. If you’re going to be a parent soon, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. What is a pacifier? How does it work? Is it necessary? Follow along and I’ll answer all of your burning questions!
What is a pacifier?
A pacifier is essentially a nipple substitute. Baby’s love to suckle on mama’s breast. It’s comforting and helps them to calm down. However, if mama is the only one who can calm down baby, that can be overwhelming, exhausting, and impractical! Mom’s need a break and pacifiers are a great substitute! They are typically made of silicone, rubber, and/or plastic.
How does a pacifier work?
Using a pacifier is unbelievably simple! You just pop it in baby’s mouth and they are on their way to curb their desire for nonnutritive sucking. The American Academy of Family Physicians affirms that nonnutritive sucking is a normal part of your newborns behavior. They say, “Nonnutritive sucking is a natural reflex for a fetus and newborn, usually manifested by sucking the hands and fingers. The pacifier has been used as a method for fulfilling this innate desire.”
The only frustrating part about using a pacifier is when the infant pacifier keeps falling out. Babies cry, babble, or move all the time, making it difficult to keep baby calm! The Ingy Bingy Band is here to fix that problem! It’s a pacifier wristband that velcros around baby’s wrist to help them self-soothe from as early as 4 months. No more frustration when the infant pacifier keeps falling out because the buttery soft wristband helps keep your baby’s paci right where they need it whenever they need it!
Any pacifier on the market attaches to this sanity saving pacifier bracelet. This pacifier wristband is great for keeping your baby happy on a walk, in the car, or at the dinner table. You never have to worry about your newborn pacifier falling on the ground or getting lost because your baby will always be attached to it! It will also save parents mountains of frustration and money looking for and replacing lost pacifiers!
Is a pacifier necessary?
Newborn pacifiers are not necessary, but they will save your sanity! They help to calm and soothe babies in times of distress and discomfort. They help make baby and parents happy! As mentioned above, babies desire nonnutritive sucking so if they don’t use a pacifier they will either use their fingers or mama’s breast. Both are methods that are either far more taxing or harder to break!
Other things to remember when using pacifiers with your baby:
- Pacifiers need to be replaced every 4-6 weeks. If there is a sign of wear, replace it sooner!
- Get a pacifier that is one piece. Pacifiers that are multiple pieces can break easily and become choking hazards!
- Wash regularly: Run your pacifiers through the dishwasher or clean thoroughly with hot, soapy water daily! The Ingy Bingy Band is a great way to minimize a pacifier’s exposure to dirt and germs because your newborn pacifiers won’t be constantly falling on the floor. However, you still need to clean those pacifiers regularly!