Tips for Traveling with a Newborn
Some of you are go with the flow, adventurous, and make traveling with a child barely any extra work. I am in awe of you! Traveling with children has turned into one of the most anxiety-inducing experiences of my life.
Even though traveling can be stressful, packing doesn’t have to be! It’s so easy to overpack because babies have SO much stuff! Being gone with a newborn for a weekend looks like you’re staying somewhere for a month with all the stuff you think you need to bring! Only pack the Essentials!
Newborn Traveling Essentials
- Pacifier: There is nothing worse than a long car ride with a screaming baby. Driving is already dangerous so when you keep turning around to check on your baby you’ve got yourself a recipe for a car accident. One of the best ways for babies to stay calm in the car is with an infant pacifier.
However, you run into issues when the infant pacifier keeps falling out and you are frantically trying to get it back in at every 30 seconds. Pacifier clips are great for helping babies get the pacifier back in their mouth on their own, but studies say babies cannot do that on their own until about 8 months. Using a pacifier clip unsupervised also runs the risk of baby choking in their car seat.
The Ingy Bingy Band is the solution to this problem! The Ingy Bingy band is a pacifier wristband that will make sure your baby stays calm while you stay focused on the road. This pacifier bracelet velcros around baby’s wrist to help them self-soothe from as early as 4 months! Baby can stay calm, happy, or asleep since they will constantly have access to their newborn pacifier without your help!
- Successful Sleep items: No vacation is ruined faster than a baby who doesn’t sleep. Make sure you have all the sleep items your baby needs! My children have needed long sleeve jammies, a sleep sack, an infant pacifier, and a sound machine! These may be changed a little for your specific child, but don’t over pack if you don’t need to. Bring a pack and play as well if there won’t be one where you are staying. Always check with hotels to see if they have one so you can save space when packing!
- Minimal Clothing: It’s so easy to overpack when it comes to clothes! A general rule is two outfits a day for a newborn. Don’t worry about more than that. Whether you’re going on a weekend trip to your in-laws or a week in Disneyworld you will have access to a washer/dryer some way!
- Bottles/Formula: Never forget your babies essential feeding items if bottle fed. However, you can always stop at a store to buy formula if you are in a bind and need to save space!
- Baby Carrier: Don’t bring a stroller and save space with a baby carrier/
Things you don’t need:
- Boppy: Use a pillow instead!
- Bottle Warmer: although it might be faster, save space in your travel bags and just put hot water in a cup and set your bottle in it to warm up your baby’s
- Stroller: Go for a walk with a baby carrier instead or rent a stroller if going to a place with excessive walking.
- Diapers/Wipes: You need diapers and wipes, but just bring enough for your travel time. You can buy more at the store when you arrive at your destination!