Will a Pacifier Help my Baby Sleep?
The Ingy Bingy Band is the best pacifier accessory to help your baby have easy access to their infant pacifier all night long! This wristband is guaranteed to help you keep that pacifier in baby’s mouth!
Sleep, or lack thereof, is one of the most difficult parts of parenting. It’s so difficult to function the next day when you have woken up several times at night with your little one. For years, I was running on terrible sleep due to my 3 little ones.
My youngest is almost two and I’m here to tell you that it gets better! The struggle of no sleep feels impossible and overwhelming, but you’ll come out on the other side soon enough!
You might be in the phase where you’re grasping for straws, searching for anything that might help your baby sleep! I’ve been there too!
You might be wondering, will a pacifier help my baby sleep?
The answer: maybe
There could be many reasons your baby isn’t sleeping at night. If your baby is sick or has an ear infection then a newborn pacifier might not help. However, if your baby loves their newborn pacifier than it might help them sleep at night! If your child is worked up before bed or in the middle of the night their newborn pacifier can help them to relax and self-soothe.
Your baby may be instantly happy and fall asleep with their infant pacifier, but the problem is when the infant pacifier keeps falling out. A pacifier clip has been a typical solution for this, but this is extremely unsafe to use at bedtime. It is a serious choking hazard!
The Ingy Bingy Band is the best pacifier accessory to help your baby have easy access to their infant pacifier 24/7! This wristband is guaranteed to help you keep that pacifier in baby’s mouth! The Ingy Bingy Band is a pacifier wristband that velcros around baby’s wrist. The infant pacifier is always within baby’s reach and by about 4 months old they can use it on their own!
They cannot use other pacifier accessories, like a pacifier clip, on their own until about 8 months because it takes more development to locate the pacifier and bring it up to their mouth than it does to just twist their wrist.
Using this pacifier bracelet a baby can suck on their pacifier, move around in their crib, take some big breaths, and go back to sucking on their pacifier while you get a good night’s sleep! They can cough and quickly go back to sucking on the newborn pacifier all on their own. The possibilities are endless! Start saving your sanity and boosting your baby’s autonomy by purchasing an Ingy Bingy Band today!
Always remember that this period of interrupted sleep is just a phase. Eventually they’ll be teenagers and they’ll sleep until noon! Before we know it, the kids will be grown, the house will be quiet, and we’ll be aching for those days of night wakings and early mornings. Keep your head up and never hesitate to reach out to us for emotional support!