Why do Pacifiers Work?
The Ingy Bingy Band is a pacifier wristband designed to help your baby access their infant pacifier easily and independently. They can curb their nonnutritive sucking desire all on their own from as early as 4 months!
Over the years, infant pacifiers have saved mine and thousands of parents’ sanity. Our first son screamed for hours, wouldn’t latch properly with breastfeeding, and made me feel like I was failing at motherhood until we introduced a pacifier when he was 2 days old!
I only wish I would have had the Ingy Bingy Band when we had our first child. It’s so frustrating when the infant pacifier keeps falling out! The Ingy Bingy Band is a pacifier wristband designed to help your baby access their pacifier on their own from as early as 4 months!
With a traditional pacifier clip or loose pacifier a baby can’t typically find and use their newborn pacifier on their own until they are 8 months old! That means YOU have to do all the work! This pacifier bracelet is also safer than a traditional pacifier clip. Pacifier clips may be adorable, but they contain parts that are choking hazards and could strangle a child if you aren’t careful.
The Ingy Bingy Band is made of buttery soft material and velcros around your baby’s wrist. There are two models of this amazing pacifier wristband so no matter what pacifier your baby prefers it will work with the Ingy Bingy Band!
Why do pacifiers work?
Babies love pacifiers because of the sucking motion commonly referred to as nonnutritive sucking. Nonnutritive sucking begins in the womb. I’m sure some of you have ultrasound pictures with your baby sucking their thumb!
The American Academy of Family Physicians affirms that nonnutritive sucking is a normal part of your newborns behavior. They say, “Nonnutritive sucking is a natural reflex for a fetus and newborn, usually manifested by sucking the hands and fingers. The pacifier, also referred to as a “dummy,” has been used as a method for fulfilling this innate desire.”
If you have a baby in the NICU an infant pacifier could be a life-saving purchase. Nonnutritive sucking has also been shown to be helpful in preemies. One study said, preemies had, “More rapid weight gain, lower incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis and earlier hospital discharge have also been attributed to non-nutritive sucking during nasogastric tube.”
Oftentimes babies will use their mother’s breast for the comfort of nonnutritive sucking. As someone who had a baby who would only calm down by comfort nursing I can tell you it’s exhausting, uncomfortable, and frustrating. Although building a bond with your baby is crucial and a lovely experience, when you’re the only source of comfort for your baby it can lead to poor mental health!
If a baby isn’t using their mama’s breast or a newborn pacifier they are probably sucking on their finger(s) which is a much more difficult habit to break than an infant pacifier! That is why newborn pacifiers are such amazing inventions! They help your baby become more independent and help you and your baby get better sleep.
If you’re on the fence about letting your baby use a pacifier, know that physicians are supporting you! These sanity-saving inventions really do work, especially when paired with an Ingy Bingy Band!