Tummy Time Tips
What is tummy time?
Baby’s lack neck and head control when they are born. Placing your baby on their tummy for a few minutes at a time will help strengthen those muscles!
When should my baby start tummy time?
ASAP! You can start tummy time the day your baby comes home from the hospital/birthing center!
How long should you do tummy time?
When you’re just getting started with your newborn aim for 1-2 minutes 2-3 times a day and work your way up from there! By 3 months old you should be up to one hour a day of tummy time. Remember that this doesn’t need to be done all at once!
Here’s a few tips to help your baby love tummy time!
1. Don’t skip tummy time! I was very overwhelmed when my third child was born. I rarely did tummy time because I was busy chasing my two toddlers around. I was constantly overstimulated and hated the extra crying tummy time would cause!
Lucy ended up in a cranial helmet for 4 months because she had a flat head. I didn’t encourage tummy time so she was constantly laying her head to the left side. This may not happen to your baby, but I hope it’s encouragement enough to keep working on tummy time!
2. Use a Boppy! A boppy pillow is great for helping with tummy time! Pediatric therapists say, “Placing your child on their belly with the pillow increases their success of lifting their head by shifting weight from their shoulders back to their hips.” Set your baby’s chest on the pillow and place toys just out of their reach to help get those muscles working!
3. Get an Ingy Bingy Band! Babies tend to get really fussy during tummy time. Tummy time is a cute name, but babies don’t really like it! It’s uncomfortable and tiring for their little bodies. The Ingy Bingy Band is the perfect newborn pacifier accessory to make tummy time a less stressful experience for you and your baby.
Infant pacifiers are great tools for calming a fussy baby, but tummy time is an activity that is going to make your infant pacifier keep falling out! A traditional pacifier clip won’t help much because a baby typically can’t use it on their own until they are about 8 months old.
The Ingy Bingy Band is cutting that time in half! Babies are able to access their newborn pacifier on their own from as early as four months with this pacifier bracelet! This pacifier wristband velcros around your baby’s wrist so their infant pacifier is right where they need it whenever they need it!
4. Use a mirror! Babies are so intrigued with themselves! Setting up a mirror next to your baby can help make play time more entertaining!
5. Use different positions! Tummy time doesn’t have to be baby’s chest to the floor!
Alternate positions include:
• Laying your baby on your chest while you’re reclined
• Lay baby across your lap
• “The football hold” – lay baby on your body, but facing outward
• Lay baby on their side on the floor while you lay on your side facing baby