Surviving Witching Hour with your Newborn
Did you know that, on average, babies cry 2.2 hours daily? That's right. Some cry even more, and without an apparent reason. Usually, these fussy periods occur in the evening, and most likely, it is because your baby doesn't yet know how to soothe himself. Luckily, excessive crying typically ends around three months of age.
Of course, if you are living through this difficult moment right now, that is no consolation. The days seem long, and the nights – even longer. That is why we've created an article with tips and tricks on how to survive witching hour with a baby. From your infant pacifier to cuddles – let's dive in!
Stay calm
When your little one is crying non-stop, it may seem like a mission impossible to stay calm, but it is one of the most critical steps of surviving the witching hour. Your baby feels your stress and anxiety. By letting your nerves get the best of you, your baby won't be any better. In fact, they may wail even louder.
A happy, calm mom means a calm baby. Remember that your inability to soothe the little one doesn't make you a bad parent. There are thousands of moms dealing with the same problem! Focus on comforting your baby and being there for them.
Give your little one a bath
Spending time in the water has a soothing effect. Some believe it mimics the environment of the womb. If your child is particularly fussy, it may be a good idea to fix a tub of warm water. Play some relaxing music or white noise, and don't forget to dim the lights. Give your bundle of joy a little spa session – perhaps it will do the trick.
Try the five S's
If you have run out of ideas on how to comfort your little one, Dr. Harvey Karp's 5 S's method is a great option to try. Simply put, the 5 S's stand for:
● shushing
● swinging
● swaddle
● sucking
● side/stomach position
Go through this list and determine whether any of these activities provide comfort or relief to your baby. For a better effect, we suggest using Ingy Bingy Band's pacifier wristband, a game-changing pacifier wristband which attaches to any pacifier and ensures your newborn pacifier is just where they want it, whenever they need it. It allows baby’s to self-soothe with a simple twist of the wrist, making them happy and taking one to-do of your plate! Also, since the infant pacifier is attached to a wristband, it can't be dropped or lost in the chaos of your witching hour.
Assess your routine
Many babies experience witching hours due to overstimulation and tiredness. It is worth considering whether your routine is adjusted to your little one's needs. Does your baby get enough naps throughout the day? What is your little one's awake window?
Some parents try to keep their children up to make them sleep better at night, but this is not a good solution for every child. Some babies who are over tired won't go to sleep at all.
Offer them comfort
According to research, baby massages lower the levels of cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone. During witching hour, try to offer as much comfort to your baby as possible! That means lots of cuddles, massages, and anything else that can help soothe them.
Try a Pacifier Wristband
If your baby takes a pacifier, the sucking process can also help. If they keep throwing it out, a pacifier wristband can be useful. It's not just convenient for the baby – it will also help you keep your sanity since it is a readily available option.
Surviving witching hour can be a challenge for even the calmest of parents. Remind yourself – you are doing the best you can, and – as with all difficulties – this shall pass too. Trust your instincts and consult your pediatrician if you think it is excessive. To find more baby tips, visit Ingy Bingy Band's website.