Pacifier vs. Thumb Sucking
There's pros and cons to using a pacifier and sucking your thumb. A pacifier can be better at keeping the germs away than sucking your thumb if you have the right pacifier accessory! Say goodbye to pacifier clips and hello to the Ingy Bingy Band a revolutionary pacifier wristband.
Most babies will either be thumb suckers or infant pacifier users. Some people look down on this behavior, but the truth is that it’s natural. Babies suck on things to calm themselves down. It helps them to relax and feel happier! What could be wrong with that?
Here's a few thoughts:
Teeth: The main concern for most parents regarding infant pacifier use and thumb sucking is the effect they have on their child’s teeth.The truth about a newborn pacifier is yes, there can be dental problems. The American Academy of Pediatrics says, “Pacifier usage beyond one year also leads to a significantly higher incidence of anterior open bite, although an anterior open bite will improve after elimination of the pacifier before age three.”
Most kids are long done with their newborn pacifier by then! If your child is approaching the three-year mark and is still using a pacifier, see one of our other blogs on how to get rid of the pacifier.
On the flip side, getting rid of thumbsucking isn’t quite as easy as implementing a pacifier plan. Our three year old is a serious thumb sucker and we are struggling to break the habit with him!
Cost: Pacifiers do cost money where thumb sucking is “free.” Pacifiers range in price and need to be replaced every 4-6 weeks to make sure they are safe and sanitary for your child. Pacifier clips or pacifier wristbands are also an additional cost. However, as I mentioned above, the weaning process of thumb sucking may be the price you pay in the end if your child sucks their thumb!
Germs: Sucking your thumb and using a newborn pacifier are often easy ways to pick up germs. However, a pacifier can be better at keeping the germs away than sucking your thumb if you have the right pacifier accessory. Say goodbye to pacifier clips and hello to the Ingy Bingy Band. The Ingy Bingy band is a game-changing pacifier wristband that allows your baby to self-soothe earlier than ever before! It is a buttery soft wristband which attaches to any newborn pacifier out there! No more dealing with the hassle of an infant pacifier that keeps falling out.
With the twist of the wrist, your baby can now locate and insert their pacifier as many times as they want without your help! No more endless searching for pacis all over the car and house! It’s right where they need it whenever they need it. This pacifier wristband is sure to save your sanity and allow your baby to become a happy, self-soothing pro!
Overall, both nonutritive sucking methods are great ways to keep your baby calm and collected, however, if you have the option, try to get your baby to take a newborn pacifier! Babies and toddlers go through so many developmental leaps that it can be challenging to take away your child’s self-soothing method. It’s especially difficult when that method is attached to their body!
When it’s time, make sure to check out our other blog posts on how to get rid of pacifiers to help you come up with a final plan to saying goodbye to the pacifier for good!